1.Se deben conformar 5 comités como máximo de 5 personas cada uno.
2.Cada comité deberá asumir sus responsabilidades detalladas claramente en el informe escrito entregado por el docente
3.El comité de Logística esta integrado por los aprendices mencionados a continuación:
- Natalia Andrea Acevedo Monsalve.
- Yuly Andrea Henao
- Marly Julieth
- Andrea Ramirez Hernandez
- Yadilfa Santos Perea
On the 15th of July of 2010 during the class session, the first activity to be done was given, in which these five decisions were made:
1. 5 committees must be created, each of 5 people maximum.
2. Each committee must assume its responsibilities, which are clearly detailed in the written report given to us by the teacher.
3.The Logistics’ committee is conformed by the students mentioned below:
3.The Logistics’ committee is conformed by the students mentioned below:
- Natalia Andrea Acevedo Monsalve.
- Yuly Andrea Henao
- Marly Julieth
- Andrea Ramirez Hernandez
- Yadilfa Santos Perea
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